
Requirements for publication and the rules of submitting manuscripts by the authors

The procedure of accepting papers for publication

  1. The journal accepts articles characterized by originality of ideas, theoretical and practical import and corresponding to the thematic scope of the journal. The papers received are peer-reviewed and, should the expert’s opinion be favorable, are included in the current portfolio, in the order of their submission and acceptance.
  2. To be published, the article should conform to the ethical standards envisaged for research works (See the section “Ethics of research publications” on the site /en ).
  3. Papers are accepted from researchers, scientific degree holders, doctoral students, post-graduate students, educators with a master’s or a specialist’s degree.
  4. Postgraduate students seeking a PhD degree are to provide a reference from their research adviser, with a signature and the university stamp.
  5. Information about the author: name, scientific degree and title (if any), post occupied, name of the department and the institution, honorary titles, approximate number of publications, scholarly interests, ways of keeping in contact during the pre-publication period: e-mail, mobile phone.
  6. The papers should meticulously conform to the technical requirements (see below).
  7. Papers are sent by e-mail to the following addresses:;
  8. The editors notify the author within 3 weeks whether the paper has been accepted, rejected or recommended for revision.

Technical requirements to articles. 

  1. Index of the Universal Decimal Classifier.
  2. The title of the paper (in Russian and English) is written in low-case letters, using capitals where necessary. No acronyms or abbreviations.
  3. Abstract (in Russian and English), 100–300 words, avoiding acronyms and abbreviations. The abstracts highlight the goal of research, its academic novelty, the essence of the author’s treatment of the issue, the main postulates and results.
  4. Key words (in Russian and English). The key words reflect the essence of the paper, use terminology from the article as well as terms that clarify the subject area and facilitate the search for your paper in the Internet. Give at least 10 key words. Avoid using long key phrases. The key words and phrases are separated from each other by a semi-colon (;). No acronyms or abbreviations.
  5. The body of the paper. It is recommended to use subtitles. All the acronyms and abbreviations should be deciphered when used for the first time. Do not use hyphenation. The length of the paper can vary from 12000 до 40000 graphical signs, spaces included. Please use font 14, Times New Roman Microsoft Office Word. The Editorial Council feels authorized to abridge or telescope too long a text (upon the author’s consent) or to recommend that the author should elaborate some parts of the paper.
  6. Tables and pictures. Each picture is supplied with a number and a title. It should not disintegrate during scale modelling, but preserve its integral shape. The tables and pictures are numbered separately. (It means, for example, that Table 1 can be followed by Picture 1.) Please remember to refer to each table or picture in the text of the article before it actually appears.
  7. References: the. main requirements.

7.1. In the final alphabetical list of references, mention all the authors of a publication, lest any of them should be ignored by the citation system.

7.2. Use no abbreviations except those used in the original source of information.

7.3. In periodicals, give the number of the issue for the current year and, in brackets, its total number throughout the years, e.g., 2(48).

7.4.  Whenever the cited material has a DOI identifier, provide it at the end of the reference instead of the electronic address.

8.1. If you use Russian-language sources, provide them in Russian, to be followed by sources in Latin script, with their own alphabetical order.  Name it «Список источников». Then give “References” translating the Russian sources into English and transliterating the name of the whole publication, whether a monograph or a journal, in italics.

8.2. When referring to electronic resources, mention the date of access in brackets.

8.3 Do not refer to Wikipedia, which is not considered a reliable source.

9. References.

9.1. If you use books in Russian and provide «Список источников» in Russian, in the references observe the same order of mentioning the authors.

9.2. If an edition has no author (a multi-author monograph, a collection of papers), mention the editor(s), but no more than two.

Below are samples of references in Russian and their translation into English.

Books, monographs.

Список литературы References
Two or more authors.
Железняк Ю. Д., Петров П. К. Основы научно-методической деятельности в физической культуре и спорте : учеб. пособие для вузов. — Ростов н/Д : Академия, 2002. — 264 с. Zheleznyak Iu. D., Petrov P. K. Osnovy nauchno-metodicheskoy deyatel’nosti v fizicheskoy kul’turei sporte [Bases of scientific and methodical activity in physical culture and sport]. Rostov-on-Don, Academy Publ., 2002, 264 p. (In Russian).

Periodicals (articles from journals, collections of papers, conference materials)

Список литературы References
Two or more authors
Загайнов С. С., Митчелл П. Д. История развития военных словарей-разговорников как малого литературного жанра // Вестник Тамбовского университета. Сер.: Гуманитарные на-уки. — Тамбов, 2016. — Т. 21, вып. 11 (163). — С. 46–51. DOI : 10.20310/1810-0201-2016-21-11(163)-46-51. Zagaynov S. S., Mitchell P. D. The history of the development of military phrase books as a small literary genre. Vestnik Tambovskogo universiteta. Seriya “Gumanitarnye nauki” [Tambov University Review. Series “Humanities”]. 2016, vol. 21,
no. 11 (163), pp. 46–51. (In Russian). DOI: 10.20310/1810-0201-2016-21-11(163)-46-51.


Conference materials
Калинина Т. Л., Щекочихина С. В. Особенности перевода парадоксов на материале перевода пьес О. Уайльда // Язык в различных сферах коммуникации : материалы Междунар. науч. конф. / под ред. Т. Ю. Игнатович. — Чита : Забайкал. гос. ун-т, 2014. — С. 233–236. Kalinina T. L., Shchekochihina S. V. Translation of Paradoxes in O. Wilde’s plays. Ignatovich Yu. (ed.) Materialy Mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferencii “Yazyk v razlichnyh sferah kommunikacii” [Papers of the International scholarly conference “Language in Various Spheres of Communication”]. Chita, Zabaikal’sky State University Publ., 2014, рр. 233–236. (In Russian).

Electronic resources

Список литературы References
Electronic journal
Рыбаков С. Ю. Проблема духовности в педагогическом аспекте // Теория и практика общественного развития. — 2014. — № 16. — URL :
2014/16/pedagogics/rybakov.pdf (дата обращения: 10.09.2016).
Rybakov S. Iu. The problem of spirituality in the context of education. Teoriya i praktika obshchestvennogo razvitiya [The Theory and Practice of Social Development]. 2014, vol. 16. (In Russian). Available at: (accessed 10.09.2016).

Submitting an article to the journal “Inostrannye yazyki v vysshei shkole”, the author thereby consents to its full-sized appearance on the Ryazan State University site of the journal ( and on the site of the Research Electronic Library for free access.

E-mail and work telephones; Tel.: (4912) 21-57-23; (4912) 97-15-15 (extension 1030).